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Selasa, 31 Desember 2013
Jumat, 13 Desember 2013
Karya Tulis Ilmiah
oleh :Dri Saputri Ana Iskandi Budi Astiwi Ningrum
NIM : 09.0065
Metil salisilat dikenal sebagai couter irritant yaitu penghilang rasa sakit yang disebabkan oleh nyeri organ dalam sehingga menyebabkan nyeri pada permukaan kulit. Mentol berkhasiat sebagai couter irritan serta rubifacient atau penghangat. Kedua zat aktif ini dikombinasikan untuk menghilangkan rasa nyeri pada otot yang dibuat dalam bentuk sediaan emulgel. Natrium karboksimetilselulosa (Na CMC) merupakan bahan pembentuk gel yang yang dapat mempengaruhi karakteristik fisik emulgel, untuk itu perlu diteliti pengaruh Na CMC terhadap karakteristik fisik emulgel analgetik Metil salisilat dan Mentol. Konsentrasi Na CMC yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 3%, 4% dan 5%. Karakteristik fisik sediaan emulgel yang diuji meliputi: organoleptis, homogenitas, pH, daya sebar, daya lekat dan daya proteksi. Hasil pengujian dianalisis dengan menggunakan dua cara yaitu pendekatan teoritis yang membandingkan hasil pengujian dengan pustaka dan pendekatan statistik menggunakan uji Anova dengan uji beda regresi. Taraf kepercayaan yang digunakan adalah 95%.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Na CMC berpengaruh terhadap daya lekat dan daya sebar emulgel, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap organoleptis, homogenitas, pH dan daya proteksi. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi Na CMC yang digunakan, maka daya lekatnya akan semakin tinggi dan kontak obat dengan kulit akan semakin lama sehingga efek terapi yang diharapkan dapat tercapai secara optimal. Na CMC dengan konsentrasi yang semakin tinggi memiliki daya sebar yang rendah, oleh karena itu dalam penggunaannya memerlukan tekanan yang lebih tinggi agar efek terapi yang di harapkan dapat tercapai secara maksimal.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Na CMC berpengaruh terhadap daya lekat dan daya sebar emulgel, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap organoleptis, homogenitas, pH dan daya proteksi. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi Na CMC yang digunakan, maka daya lekatnya akan semakin tinggi dan kontak obat dengan kulit akan semakin lama sehingga efek terapi yang diharapkan dapat tercapai secara optimal. Na CMC dengan konsentrasi yang semakin tinggi memiliki daya sebar yang rendah, oleh karena itu dalam penggunaannya memerlukan tekanan yang lebih tinggi agar efek terapi yang di harapkan dapat tercapai secara maksimal.
Kata kunci: Na CMC, Metil salisilat, Mentol, karakteristik fisik emulgel.
Methyl salicylate is known as a counter irritant caused by the pain of internal organs, causing pain on the skin surface. Menthol has efficacious as counter irritant rubifacient or warmers. Both active substances are combined to relieve pain in muscles that are made in the emulgel form. Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (Na CMC) is a gel-forming material that can affect the physical characteristics of the emulgel, it is necessary to study the influence of Na CMC on physical characteristics emulgel of Methyl salicylate and Menthol analgesic. Na concentration of CMC used in this study is 3%, 4% and 5%. Physical characteristics of the tested preparations emulgel include: organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, spreading capacity, adhesion and protection capacity. The test results are analyzed by using two ways: a theoretical approach that compares the test results with the literature and statistical approach using ANOVA test with different test regression. Confidence level used is 95%.
The results showed Na CMC effect on the adhesion and the spreading emulgel, but had no effect on organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, and protection capacity. The higher the concentration of Na CMC is used, its higher the adhesion level and drug contact with the skin so that the longer the expected therapeutic effect can be achieved optimally. Na CMC with higher concentrations having low dispersive power, and therefore its use requires a higher pressure so that the therapeutic effect is expected to reach its full potential.
The results showed Na CMC effect on the adhesion and the spreading emulgel, but had no effect on organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, and protection capacity. The higher the concentration of Na CMC is used, its higher the adhesion level and drug contact with the skin so that the longer the expected therapeutic effect can be achieved optimally. Na CMC with higher concentrations having low dispersive power, and therefore its use requires a higher pressure so that the therapeutic effect is expected to reach its full potential.
Key words: Na CMC, Methyl salicylate, Menthol, the physical characteristics of the emulgel.
Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013
Demonstar Full Version Download
Game vertikal top-down shooter yang paling diminati, DemonStar. Game Demonstar adalah game shooter bertema luar angkasa yang dikembangkan oleh Mountain King Studios. Game Demonstar dilengkapi dengan kemampuan Multiplayer/Network, Force Feedback, dukungan joystick, 3-D grafis, sound effect yang bagus, dan soundtrack yang keren. Untuk menghancurkan bos masing-masing, Anda akan harus mencari banyak senjata seperti laser, Homming Missiles, dan banyak lagi. Ada masing-masing 18 tingkat progresif yang harus Anda lalui untuk dapat melawan mega-bos terbesar dalam game ini : The Demonstar
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Mau mengenang masa lalu dengan memainkan game yang seru ini?? Ada tiga seri game demonstar yang Saya sediakan untuk anda download :
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Demonstar : DOWNLOAD
Demonstar Secret Mission 1 : DOWNLOAD
Demonstar Secret Mission 2 : DOWNLOAD
Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar yaa... :D
Senin, 26 Agustus 2013
Color Atlas of Pharmacology 3rd Ed
Heinz Lüllmann, Thieme, 2005 - 402 halaman
Medicine is an ever-changing science undergoing continual development. Research and clinical experience are continually expanding our knowledge, in particular our knowledge of proper treatment and drug therapy.
Insofar as this bookmentions any dosage or application, readers may rest assured that the authors, editors, and publishers have made every effort to ensure that such references are in accordance with the state of knowledge at the time of production of the book.
Nevertheless, this does not involve, imply, or express any guarantee or responsibility on the part of the publishers in respect to any dosage instructions and forms of applications stated in the book. Every user is requested to examine carefully the manufacturers’ leaflets accompanying each drug and to check, if necessary in consultation with a physician or specialist, whether the dosage schedules mentioned therein or the contraindications stated by the manufacturers differ from the statements made in the present book. Such examination is particularly important with drugs that are either rarely used or have been newly released on the market. Every dosage schedule or every form of application used is entirely at the user’s own risk and responsibility. The authors and publishers request every user to report to the publishers any discrepancies or inaccuracies noticed. Some of the product names, patents, and registered designs referred to in this book are in fact registered trademarks or proprietary names even though specific reference to this fact is not always made in the text. Therefore, the appearance of a name without designation as proprietary is not to be construed as a representation by the publisher that it is in the public domain.
This book, including all parts thereof, is legally protected by copyright. Any use, exploitation, or commercialization outside the narrow limits set by copyright legislation, without the publisher’s consent, is illegal and liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to photostat reproduction, copying, mimeographing, preparation of microfilms, and electronic data processing and storage.
Handbookof Food & Drug Interactions
Taylor & Francis, 29 Apr 2003 - 584 halaman
With contributions from the fields of pharmacy, dietetics, and medicine, Handbook of Food-Drug Interactions serves as an interdisciplinary guide to the prevention and correction of negative food-drug interactions. Rather than simply list potential food-drug interactions, this book provides explanations and gives specific recommendations based on the frequency and severity of reactions. Each chapter brings together the unique talents and knowledge of practitioners in different disciplines who provide a clear, thorough treatment of this important subject.
Jumat, 09 Agustus 2013
Using Facebook to Build Success
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Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients 6th Edition
Raymond C. Rowe , American Pharmacists Association, 2003 - 776 halaman
Pharmaceutical dosage forms contain both pharmacologically active compounds and excipients added to aid the formulation and manufacture of the subsequent dosage form for administration to patients. Indeed, the properties of the final dosage form (i.e. its bioavailability and stability) are, for the most part, highly dependent on the excipients chosen, their concentration and interaction with both the active compound and each other. No longer can excipients be regarded simply as inert or inactive ingredients, and a detailed knowledge not only of the physical and chemical properties but also of the safety, handling and regulatory status of these materials is essential for formulators throughout the world. In addition, the growth of novel forms of delivery has resulted in an increase in the number of the excipientsbeing used and suppliers of excipients have developed novel coprocessed excipient mixtures and new physical forms to improve their properties. The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients has been conceived as a systematic, comprehensive resource of informationon all of these topics.
Clik here to download.
Spreading of Semisolid Formulations : An Update
Alka Garg, Deepika Aggarwal, Sanjay Garg, and Anil K. Singla
A considerable problem associated with the manufacture of topically applied pharmaceutical products is the establishment of reliable techniques for their characterization. The efficacy of a topical therapy depends on the patient spreading the drug formulation in an even layer to administer a standard dose. Spreadability is therefore an important characteristic of these formulations and is responsible for correct dosage transfer to the target site, ease of application on the substrate, extrudability from the package, and most important, consumer preference.This article discusses the various aspects of spreading, including the factors affecting it, the techniques available for its assessment, and various additives and interactions that can alter the spreadability of the final formulation.
Sebuah masalah yang cukup penting terkait dengan pembuatan produk farmasi topikal adalah pembentukan teknik yang handal untuk karakterisasi tiap produk. Efektivitas terapi topikal tergantung pada penyebaran formulasi obat oleh pasien dalam bentuk lapisan untuk memberikan dosis standar. Oleh karena itu spreadability (daya sebar) merupakan karakteristik penting dari formulasi ini dan bertanggung jawab untuk transfer dosis yang tepat ke tempat sakit, kemudahan aplikasi pada substrat, extrudability dari obat, dan yang paling penting, kepuasan konsumen. Artikel ini membahas berbagai aspek tersebut, termasuk faktor yang mempengaruhi daya sebar, teknik yang tersedia untuk penilaian, dan berbagai aditif dan interaksi yang dapat mengubah spreadability (daya sebar) dari formulasi akhir.
Applied Thin-Layer Chromatography: Best Practice and Avoidance of Mistakes
John Wiley & Sons, 15 Jun 2000 - 304 halaman
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a powerful, fast and inexpensive analytical method. It has proven its usefulness in pharmaceutical, food and environmental analysis. With this new book both new comers and experienced practitioners can make full use of these advantages of TLC.
All steps of the analytical procedure are clearly explained, starting with the choice of a suitable TLC technique and ending with data evaluation and documentation. Special emphasis is put on the proper choice of materials for TLC. Properties and functions of various materials and the TLC equipment are described, covering e. g. precoated layers, solvents and developing chambers, and including information on suppliers. Many practical hints for trouble shooting are given. All this is illustrated with numerous coloured figures.
How to use TLC in compliance with GLP/GMP regulations is described in detail, including the required documentation. Therefore the reader can very easily compile his own standard operating procedures.
All steps of the analytical procedure are clearly explained, starting with the choice of a suitable TLC technique and ending with data evaluation and documentation. Special emphasis is put on the proper choice of materials for TLC. Properties and functions of various materials and the TLC equipment are described, covering e. g. precoated layers, solvents and developing chambers, and including information on suppliers. Many practical hints for trouble shooting are given. All this is illustrated with numerous coloured figures.
How to use TLC in compliance with GLP/GMP regulations is described in detail, including the required documentation. Therefore the reader can very easily compile his own standard operating procedures.
Kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) adalah metode analisis yang kuat, cepat dan murah. Hal ini telah terbukti manfaatnya dalam analisis farmasi, makanan dan lingkungan. Dengan buku pendatang baru yang bagus ini dan praktisi yang berpengalaman, dapat memanfaatkan sepenuhnya keunggulan dari metode KLT ini.
Semua langkah dari prosedur analitis dijelaskan dengan jelas, dimulai dengan pilihan teknik KLT cocok dan berakhir dengan evaluasi data dan dokumentasi. Penekanan khusus diletakkan pada pilihan yang tepat dari bahan-bahan untuk KLT. Sifat dan fungsi dari berbagai bahan dan peralatan KLT dijelaskan dalam buku ini, meliputi lapisan precoated, pelarut dan chamber KLT, dan termasuk informasi mengenai pemasok. Banyak petunjuk praktis untuk memecahkan masalah yang diberikan. Semua ini digambarkan dengan berbagai ilustrasi.
Cara menggunakan KLT sesuai dengan peraturan GLP/GMP dijelaskan secara rinci, termasuk dokumentasi yang diperlukan. Oleh karena itu pembaca dapat dengan mudah mengkompilasi sendiri prosedur operasi standar nya.
Semua langkah dari prosedur analitis dijelaskan dengan jelas, dimulai dengan pilihan teknik KLT cocok dan berakhir dengan evaluasi data dan dokumentasi. Penekanan khusus diletakkan pada pilihan yang tepat dari bahan-bahan untuk KLT. Sifat dan fungsi dari berbagai bahan dan peralatan KLT dijelaskan dalam buku ini, meliputi lapisan precoated, pelarut dan chamber KLT, dan termasuk informasi mengenai pemasok. Banyak petunjuk praktis untuk memecahkan masalah yang diberikan. Semua ini digambarkan dengan berbagai ilustrasi.
Cara menggunakan KLT sesuai dengan peraturan GLP/GMP dijelaskan secara rinci, termasuk dokumentasi yang diperlukan. Oleh karena itu pembaca dapat dengan mudah mengkompilasi sendiri prosedur operasi standar nya.
Download Here
Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013
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Senin, 29 April 2013
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Senin, 11 Maret 2013
Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry (5th Edition)
Publisher: Prentice Hall | 1996 | ISBN 0582462363 | PDF | 1552 pages | 14.7 MB
Most widely used, established and respected reference manual for the organic chemistry laboratory. Incorporates new reactions and techniques now available to the organic chemist.
Vogels Textbook of quantitative chemical analysis 5th
Very few chemistry books survive to a sixth edition having had a lifetime of sixty years. Dr. Arthur I. Vogel's classic introduction to analytical methods has provided generations of chemists with a basis for the teaching, learning and application of analytical chemistry. Analysts need to understand the concepts behind methods and Vogel's Quantitative Chemical Analysis provides clear introductions to all the key analytical methods including those involving advanced computerised equipment available in many analytical laboratories. The editors have built further on the work of Dr Vogel, modernising the approach while retaining the analytical concepts and ideas which were built into the original work. This new edition (the first for ten years) has been extensively revised to take into account developments in instrumental procedures and coupled techniques whilst maintaining the book's focus on quantitative chemical and problem-specific analyses. With excellent cross-referencing this book provides a wealth of examples and tables of data.
Minggu, 10 Maret 2013
Kerontokan rambut merupakan salah satu masalah yang banyak menyebabkan gangguan pada kulit kepala dan rambut. Kerontokan rambut disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, salah satu pengobatan untuk masalah kerontokan rambut adalah dengan menggunakan penumbuh rambut (hair tonic) alami. Tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai penumbuh rambut alami adalah pare terutama pada daging buahnya (Momordica charantia L.). Daging buah pare digunakan sebagai penumbuh rambut karena mengandung saponin, flavonoid, senyawa fenol dan alkaloid.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas ekstrak etanol pare sebagai penumbuh rambut serta mengetahui konsentrasi yang optimal dari ekstrak etanol pare sebagai penumbuh rambut. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental murni dengan rancangan penelitian acak lengkap pola searah menggunakan perlakuan ekstrak etanol pare pada konsentrasi 20% b/v, 40% b/v, 60% b/v dan 80% b/v. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan menghitung tingkat pertumbuhan rambut pada hewan percobaan kelinci. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini akan dihitung dengan AGD (Average Growth Daily gain) kemudian dianalisa secara statistik dengan menggunakan metode Analysis of varians (Anova) dengan taraf nyata 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol pare mempunyai efek sebagai penumbuh rambut dengan aktivitas paling tinggi pada konsentrasi 80% b/v dan yang paling optimal pada konsentrasi 20% b/v.
Kata kunci : hair tonic, Momordica charantia L., rambut
Hair loss is one of many issues that cause disruption to the scalp and hair. Hair loss is caused by many factors, one treatment for hair loss problem is to use a hair grower (hair tonic) naturally. Plants that can be used as a natural hair grower is mainly the fruit of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Bitter melon fruit is
used as a hair grower because it contains saponins, flavonoids, phenolic compounds and alkaloids.
This study aims to determine the activity of ethanol extract of bitter melon fruit as a hair grower and to know the optimum concentration of the ethanolic extract of bitter melon fruit as a hair grower. This was a experimental research with completely randomized study design with concentration treatment of the ethanol extract of bitter melon fruit by 20% w/v, 40% w/v, 60% w/v and 80% w/v. Observations made by calculating the rate of hair growth in experimental animals rabbits. Data obtained from this study calculated by AGD (Average Daily Growth-gain) and then analyzed statistically using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the actual level of 0,105. The results showed that ethanol extract of bitter melon fruit has the effect as a hair grower with the highest activity at a concentration of 80% w/v and the most optimal at a concentration of 20% w/v.
Hair loss is one of many issues that cause disruption to the scalp and hair. Hair loss is caused by many factors, one treatment for hair loss problem is to use a hair grower (hair tonic) naturally. Plants that can be used as a natural hair grower is mainly the fruit of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Bitter melon fruit is
used as a hair grower because it contains saponins, flavonoids, phenolic compounds and alkaloids.
This study aims to determine the activity of ethanol extract of bitter melon fruit as a hair grower and to know the optimum concentration of the ethanolic extract of bitter melon fruit as a hair grower. This was a experimental research with completely randomized study design with concentration treatment of the ethanol extract of bitter melon fruit by 20% w/v, 40% w/v, 60% w/v and 80% w/v. Observations made by calculating the rate of hair growth in experimental animals rabbits. Data obtained from this study calculated by AGD (Average Daily Growth-gain) and then analyzed statistically using Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the actual level of 0,105. The results showed that ethanol extract of bitter melon fruit has the effect as a hair grower with the highest activity at a concentration of 80% w/v and the most optimal at a concentration of 20% w/v.
Keywords: hair tonic, Momordica charantia L., hair
Minggu, 10 Februari 2013
Internet Download Manager 6.15 Full Version + Crack/Patch Free Download
Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a reliabe and very useful tool with safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate from internet your downloads such a video, music, games, documents and other important stuff for you files. IDM has a smart download logic accelerator and increases download speeds by up to 5 times, resumes and schedules downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use. Unlike other download managers and accelerators, IDM segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
• Internet Download Manager supports all popular browsers including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Avant Browser, and it can be integrated into any Internet application to take over downloads using unique “Advanced Browser Integration” feature.
• Dynamic Segmentation and Performance.
• Easy downloading with one click. When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols.
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• Advanced Browser Integration. When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application.
• Built-in Scheduler. IDM can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it’s done.
• IDM includes web site spider and grabber. IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It’s possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes.
• IDM supports many types of proxy servers. For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers.
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• IDM is multilingual.
What’s new in IDM 6.15 build 1 (Jan 29, 2013):
* Added support for automatic proxy configuration scripts (used in services like and others)
* Fixed a critical bug in IE integration module
* Resolved downloading problems with several file sharing sites
* Changed “Minimize to tray” button style for Windows 8
INSTALL NOTES (Instruction How to Crack)
Step 1: Unzip/Unrar the file : idm615.rar
Step 2: Run “idman615f.exe”
Step 3: When Finish Installation, Close Program TOTALY (Exit “IDM Tray Icon” From Taskbar)
Step 4: Run “IDM.v6.xx.release.3-patch”
Step 5: Now Click Patch (locate the file of IDMan.exe if needed), enter your first name, then your last name for Active your License
Step 6: Enjoy…
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