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Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012



Insect repellent atau repelan adalah bahan yang memiliki kemampuan untuk melindungi manusia dari gigitan nyamuk bila dioleskan pada permukaan kulit. Salah satu bahan alam yang potensial sebagai repelan adalah akar wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides) dengan kandungan senyawa utama vetiverin, vetiveron, dan vetivazulen. Sediaan repelan minyak atsiri akar wangi dibuat dalam bentuk losion dengan variasi konsentrasi bahan pengental natrium karboksimetilselulosa sebesar 0,25%, 0,50%, 0,75%, dan 1%. Konsentrasi minyak akar wangi yang digunakan adalah 10%. Penelitian bersifat eksperimental murni. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap sifat fisik sediaan losion yaitu pH, daya sebar, daya lekat, daya proteksi, dan viskositas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua formulasi losion yang dibuat memiliki pH 8 dan daya lekat yang variatif dari 0,51 sampai 0,61 detik. Daya sebar dari losion semakin menurun seiring dengan kenaikan konsentrasi natrium karboksimetilselulosa. Pengukuran viskositas menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan konsentrasi natrium karboksimetilselulosa diikuti dengan kenaikan viskositas dari losion. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kenaikan konsesntrasi natrium karboksimetilselulosa berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap karakteristik viskositas dari losion

Kata kunci : Repelan, Akar wangi, Vetiveria zizanioides, losion, natrium karboksimetilselulosa


Insect repellent is constituent that has ability to protect human from mosquito bites if applied on the skin surface. One of the natural insect repellent is Vetiveria zizanioides with vetiverin, vetiveron, and vetivazulen as its active contents. This study was undertaken to examine the effect of natrium carboxymethylcellulosa as thickening agent in repellent losion formulation of Vetiveria zizanioides essential oil. The losion formulation was made with different concentrations of natrium carboxymethylcellulosa (0,25%, 0,50%, 0,75% and 1%). Essential oil was applied at 10% concentration. This research was observed with experimental methods. Observation was undertaken according to the physical characteristic of the losion by measured its pH, spreading capacity, adhesive force, protection property and the viscosity. Result shows that the pH of all formulation is 8, adhesive force was variety from 0,51 to 0,61 second. The spreading capacity was becoming lower with the increasing of natrium carboxymethylcellulosa concentration. The viscosity measuring shows that the increasing concentration of natrium carboxymethylcellulosa followed by the increasing of losion viscosity. From this study, it is concluded that the increasing concentration of natrium carboxymethylcellulosa possesses the thickening characteristic of losion.

Keyword : Repellent, Vetiveria zizanioides, lotion, natrium carboxymethylcellulosa

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